Extend the Life of Your Fleet!
Have you ever sat behind a tanker, truck, or delivery van that is so dirty, someone had written ‘Wash Me’ in the grime next to a big smiley face?
Your company trucks and delivery vehicles are rolling billboards for your company. At Eccentric Shine, we are sympathetic to companies that do not have the manpower to keep their trucking or delivery fleet routinely cleaned and detailed. Detailing and maintaining a clean fleet of vehicles protects your monetary investment and reduces the risk of mechanical problems.
When people see your vehicles on the road or watch for them to arrive in their neighborhood, they expect an easily recognizable, bright, glossy van or truck. Eccentric Shine will keep your fleet looking sharp and shiny all the time, with a variety of detailing options and flexible scheduling.
Eccentric Shine knows how important it is to keep emergency management fleets, firetrucks, ambulances, and patrol cars looking smart and running smoothly. Restaurants, florists, furniture and appliance stores, and mobile repair services all need reliable, identifiable delivery and service vehicles.
- Flexible off-hour scheduling if needed
- 24-hour turnaround available
- Set cleaning cycles ensure every vehicle gets equal service
- Monthly billing
- Maintenance & damage reports
- Pick-up and delivery available