Smart Surface Science
It took nine years for Gtechniq scientists to integrate advanced micro-abrasive finishing technology with exclusive bonding elements to create a unique formula that will protect any painted automotive surface. Gtechniq’s proprietary formula eliminates the need for periodic waxing and leaves behind a finish that lasts for years rather than weeks and months. It will actually repel dirt to keep your car cleaner, longer.
Utilizing the most recent advancements in nano-scale composite materials, Gtechniq took their Smart Surface Science a step further, developing a collection of products that also protects plastic, rubber, vinyl, glass, fabric, and leather.
Eccentric Shine is building a reputation for using only professional-grade products that are environmentally safe and rigorously tested by detailers in the field, before recommending them to our customers. We are so certain our customers will benefit from Gtechniq products that we attended training in the application of these very innovative car care products.
Gtechniq coating applications come with a limited warranty!

Click on any of the Gtechniq Coating options in the menu to the left for more information.
If you have questions, Angel Morales will be happy to help you!
NOTE: The surface on which the Gtechniq coating is applied must be clean and free from dirt in order to achieve maximum results. A thorough interior and/or exterior detailing and paint correction may be necessary prior to application. These services are not included in the cost of any Gtechniq treatments unless otherwise specified.